
Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey

Rev. Myo is our guiding teacher and abbot of Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco.

Moving to the Dharma Center!

Everyone is invited to help with our move into the Sacramento Dharma Center.  Meet at the Yoga Solution, then load up our cars with zafus and bells for a caravan to 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento.  We'll sit and have a short service to welcome ourselves to our new home.

Half-Day Sitting with Work Period

Sitting together, working together, eating together we create sangha. (Bring a bag lunch and work clothes.)

Dharma Talk by So On Jim Hare

Our fall study period begins. Our topic will be Dogen's The Bodhisattva's Four Methods of Guidance.

Dharma Talk by Edward Espe Brown

Edward Espe Brown is a Soto Zen Buddhist priest and teacher.  He was ordained in 1971 by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, who gave him the Dharma name Jusan Kainei , "Longevity Mountain, Peaceful Sea." He leads sitting groups and meditation retreats in Northern California and internationally.

Introduction to Zen Meditation

For those who are new to Zen meditation, we offer this 40-minute introduction on the second Monday every month.

Sangha Brunch and Annual Meeting

Bring the whole family, a potluck dish to share and enjoy each others' company in our new space at the Sacramento Dharma Center. Meet new Board members and help us celebrate milestones of the past year, as well as look to the future of our Sangha.

Sejiki Ceremony

Our Sejiki, food-offering, ceremony is an opportunity to call forth the spirits of those who have passed this way before, offering them solace and acknowledging our ongoing connection. Treats, tea and conversation after the ceremony.

One-day Sitting

This is our first one-day sitting at the Sacramento Dharma Center! Fall study period participants should make a special effort to attend, as this is the sole opportunity to "sit long" during the study period. Of course everyone is welcome. This gentle one-day sitting will include a work period and exercise period. We will have […]

SDC Opening Celebration

Members of Sacramento Insight Meditation, Valley Streams Zen Sangha, and Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group are invited to come together for our Opening Celebration. Each Sangha will contribute a message or ritual of blessing our new space. We will sit together, celebrate, and enjoy refreshments.