
Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey

Rev. Myo is our guiding teacher and abbot of Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco.

Retreat Night

Retreat night consists of three 25-minute sitting periods with walking meditation in between - a time to sit quietly with no interruptions.

Introduction to Zen Meditation

For those who are new to Zen meditation, we offer this 40-minute introduction on the second Monday every month.

Way-Seeking-Mind Talk by John Wark

John Wark moved to California in 2013. He practices koan introspection with Zen Master Bomun (George Bowman) in the Single Flower Sangha tradition, associated with the Kwan Um School of Zen and also Boundless Way Zen. For the past few years he has also studied koans with Tenshin Reb Anderson at No Abode Hermitage.  He […]

Dharma Talk by Ryuko Laura Burges

Laura Burges, a lay entrusted Buddhist teacher in the Soto Zen tradition, lectures and leads retreats at different practice centers in Northern California. A teacher of children for 30 years, she trains other teachers to bring mindfulness practice into the elementary classroom. Laura co-founded the Sangha in Recovery program at San Francisco Zen Center.

Full Moon Ceremony

The ceremony is an affirmation of the vow to live for the benefit of all beings. In the Zen tradition we associate the full moon with the ideal of awakening.


Please enjoy a summer break with family and friends!  We will start up again on Monday, September 12.


Please enjoy a summer break with family and friends!  We will start up again on Monday, September 12.

Introduction to Zen Meditation

For those who are new to Zen meditation, we offer this 40-minute introduction on the second Monday every month.

Discussion: New Programing At Our New Home

In our new location at the Sacramento Dharma Center, we will have opportunities to schedule more teaching and events.  Please come share your ideas and hear from the board about future programs sponsored by Valley Streams Zen Sangha.

Great American River Clean Up

Once again our sangha will participate in the Great American River Clean-up along the banks of the Parkway, at 1400 Northgate Blvd. and Hwy. 160. We will be collecting trash in a section of the parkway that is especially impacted by homeless campers. What to bring: Work gloves, water bottle; trash grabber and small rakes […]