
Sacramento Dharma Center’s Third Anniversary Party

You are invited to celebrate what your generous time, effort and financial support has manifested as we mark another year together in our beautiful Dharma Center building. Bring your family and friends! More details at SDC website. If you would like to be on the volunteer committee for the party contact Linda Dekker at

Dharma Talk by Rev. So-On Jim Hare (Fall Study Period ends)

So-On Jim Hare  serves as Tanto, or head of practice. He lived in the San Francisco Zen Center community from 1980 to 1984, and was lay ordained by Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1985. He served as Head Student at Green Gulch Farm during the spring 2002 practice period. He was priest ordained by Myo Lahey […]

Dharma Talk by Alan Block

Alan Block, Onzan Shinsho, is entrusted as a teacher of Zen Buddhism by Zoketsu Norman Fischer in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki of the San Francisco Zen Center. He worked in construction for 30 years and previously taught college level history. He leads an Everyday Zen Oakland sitting group called  "meditation and a buddhist approach to life" on Tuesday […]

Study Group

Study is one of the pillars of Zen practice. Please join us every Thursday morning for our ongoing study group to discuss ancient and contemporary texts. Facilitated by Rev. So-On Jim Hare. Readings from Mahayana Buddhism & Soto Zen texts and commentaries. Contact Rollin Ives ( for current readings.

Way-seeking Mind Talk by Susan Farrar

Our Monday night programs begin with zazen (sitting meditation) followed by a devotional service and dharma talk, group discussion, practice circle or retreat night. There are no membership requirements to participate. We invite donations to support the room rental, visits by teachers, and other sangha activities. Valley Streams Zen Sangha is dedicated to the study […]

Study Group – CANCELLED

We will resume on December 5. Study is one of the pillars of Zen practice. Please join us every Thursday morning for our ongoing study group to discuss ancient and contemporary texts. Facilitated by Rev. So-On Jim Hare. Readings from Mahayana Buddhism & Soto Zen texts and commentaries. Contact Rollin Ives ( for current readings.

Discussion of a koan, led by So-On Jim Hare

Discussion of a case from the Denkoroku: Record of the Transmission of the Light, led by Rev. So-On Jim Hare. Our Monday night programs begin with zazen (sitting meditation) followed by a devotional service and dharma talk, group discussion, practice circle or retreat night. There are no membership requirements to participate. We invite donations to support […]

Introduction to Zen Meditation

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath, and methods for, and problems encountered when  we try to corral our attention.  This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh their practice of meditative […]

Full Moon Ceremony

This ceremony is an affirmation of the vow to live for the benefit of all beings. In the Zen tradition we associate the full moon with the ideal of awakening.  All are welcome. Our Monday night programs begin with zazen (sitting meditation) followed by a devotional service and dharma talk, group discussion, practice circle or […]