
Half-day Sitting – “Throughout the body, hands and eyes.”

Sitting zazen is extending an invitation to great compassion.  Not doing anything, yet compassion arises spontaneously, "like reaching back for a pillow at night," according to one Zen story.  On Saturday March 3rd, we'll send invitations all morning, still and silent on our cushions, and moving in walking meditation. Our morning will include a short […]

Half-day Sitting, led by Rev. So On Jim Hare

Like a Snake in a Bamboo Tube - a half-day Zen sitting and Dharma talk "Putting a snake in a bamboo tube" is an old simile for zazen.  Just as the snake naturally wants to wiggle and not be confined, so we often have a problem holding ourselves still.  Even when we stop the body, the […]

Half-Day Sangha Work Practice, led by Linda Dekker

“Work as meditation” illustrates how work is just as important a time for mindfulness practice as sitting zazen or walking meditation. In work as meditation, there isn't too much need for thinking, planning or conceptualizing. While effort is made to do what we are doing efficiently and beautifully, we needn’t hurry or worry about how […]

Half-day Sitting (outdoors), led by So-On Jim Hare

After these many months of sitting at home, we have an opportunity to practice together, sitting outside, socially distanced. (Air quality and weather permitting!)  This will be a "zazenkai" sitting, meaning a schedule of silent sitting and walking meditation, with no dharma talk. Everyone will be masked and at least 6 feet apart. Registration is […]

Half-day Sitting, led by So-On Jim Hare

Resting the mind in the midst of the habitual activity of thought is the ultimate form of relaxation. This will be a online sitting with a schedule of sitting and walking meditation and a short Dharma talk by Valley Streams Zen practice leader, Jim Hare. The schedule will include the option to begin sitting early, […]

Sitting Where the Clouds Pile Up: Half-day Sitting

This half-day sitting will be led by tanto, So-On Jim Hare. There is no fee for this sitting, but you do need to register on  The link and a detailed schedule will be sent to those who register.  There will be an optional early morning sitting beginning at 6 a.m. for those who wish for […]