
Winter Celebration & Refreshments

Welcome the new year by celebrating the treasure of sangha with your sangha! Please bring a finger food offering, and poetry, story, or music to share (if you wish).

Discussion, led by Patti Mitchell

Patti Mitchell will lead our discussion to recognize and celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Full Moon Ceremony

This ceremony is an affirmation of the vow to live for the benefit of all beings. In the Zen tradition we associate the full moon with the ideal of awakening.  All are welcome.

Dharma Talk by So On Jim Hare

Jim Hare serves as Tanto, or head of practice. He lived in the San Francisco Zen Center community from 1980 to 1984, and was lay ordained by Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1985. He served as Head Student at Green Gulch Farm during the spring 2002 practice period.

Discussion on Engaged Practice: What We Do in the World

Our Presidents' Day discussion will be led by So On Jim Hare, head of practice. Monday night programs always begin with zazen (sitting meditation). Additional offerings include a devotional service, dharma talks by visiting teachers, group discussions, practice circles and retreat nights. There are no membership requirements to participate.  Valley Streams Zen Sangha is dedicated […]

Dharma Talk by So On Jim Hare

Our guiding teacher Rev. Myo Lahey from Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco is unable join us this evening due to illness.  In his place, practice leader, Jim Hare will comment on and lead a discussion on Case 94 of the Book of Serenity, "Dongshan is Unwell".

Discussion: Jiaoan’s Sand in the Eye

Linda Dekker and Karen Hamilton will facilitate Koan Study. This will be an opportunity to get a taste of what we do in the Women Ancestors group which meets every third Thursday at 9 am. The Koan we will look at is Jiaoan's Sand in the Eye, pp. 90-92 of The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-five […]

Dharma Talk by Edward Espe Brown

Edward Espe Brown is a well-known Soto Zen Buddhist teacher, author, and chef. He was ordained in 1971 by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, who gave him the Dharma name Jusan Kainei , “Longevity Mountain, Peaceful Sea.” He leads sitting groups and meditation retreats in Northern California and internationally. BONUS: Please join us for a potluck supper with Rev. […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey

Rev. Myō Lahey is Abbot at Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco , as well as Guiding Teacher at Valley Streams Zen Sangha. He has previously served as Practice Leader at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center.  A Dharma heir of Tenshin Reb Anderson, Myō is a sometime board member of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association of North America (SZBA) and also serves […]