
“Who Am I?” – A One-Day Sitting, led by So’on Jim Hare (online)

Settling the body-mind in stillness and ease, opening to the ineffable wisdom of Dharma, the deepest questions may arise. This online retreat will be led by Valley Streams practice leader So'on Jim Hare. The day will include a morning Dharma talk and afternoon discussion. NOTE: If this will be your first day-long sitting with Valley Streams Zen, […]

Sitting in the Midst of Self-fulfilling Samadhi: One-Day Sitting (in person)

Join with others in person for a day of sitting and walking meditation and Dharma talk, making the effort that refreshes both body and mind, becoming a shining golden buddha! The sitting will be led by So On Jim Hare. Please bring a lunch to support your efforts on the cushion, bench or chair.  For […]

The Possibilities of Life: One-day Sitting, led by So’on Jim Hare (In Person)

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

When sitting zazen we sit in the wellspring of life. Come practice together to further awaken our abilities to listen to the activity of wisdom that emerges from living intimately in stillness and receiving what comes. This retreat, originally scheduled to be led by Paravrtti Doralee Grindler Katonah, will include periods of sitting and walking […]

“Just This Person” – One-Day Retreat, led by Rev. So’on Jim Hare (In-person)

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States +1 more

Sitting still in the company of others is the heart of Zen practice. Please join us for this day of inner work, being "just this person." Just before leaving a practice period, a student asked his teacher, "If, after many years, someone should ask me what you were like, how should I respond?" After remaining […]

Hidden in the Moonlight: One-day sitting, led by Rev. So’on Jim Hare (In person)

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

"Hiding a heron in the moonlight" is a line from the Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi, a Zen poem written in 9th century China. The phrase (and the whole poem) describes the activity of a person practicing the Buddha Way, merging the particular and the universal. This is the everyday and consequential affair of […]

Riding in the Same Boat with All Beings: One-day Sitting led by Rev. Kokyo Henkel (Speaker in person)

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

The theme of this sitting is the essay Zenki (the Whole Works), Zen master Dogen's vision of realization manifested in both life and death Guest teacher Kokyo Henkel will lead this one-day retreat, which will include alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation, punctuated by morning and afternoon Dharma talks and discussion. The theme of […]

Entering the Door of Liberation ~ One-day Retreat Led by Rev. So’on Jim Hare

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

Sitting in stillness and silence is an excellent method for entering the door of liberation; this door is open to everyone. The first chapter of the Flower Garland Sutra recounts the myriad insights, understandings, realizations and visions that have allowed enlightening beings to enter the Dharma door of liberation. In this retreat we will engage […]

Sitting in the Light of Buddha’s Wisdom ~ One-day Retreat Led by Rev. So’on Jim Hare

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

Each and every thing is equally illumined in the light of Buddha's wisdom. So, there is no wisdom to get ahold of. Just sitting is enough. In the second chapter of the Flower Adornment Sutra, the Buddha responds to a set of questions from his followers by emitting rays of light in every direction. This […]

Practicing Patience – One-day Retreat Led by Rev. So’on Jim Hare

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

The stream of sorrow is cut through by patience: so teaches an ancient Buddhist text. Practicing patience with the many ideas and feelings that arise in our sitting meditation trains our body/mind to more wisely respond the many situations in life that don't align with our wishes or meet our expectations. Our retreat day will […]

The Mother of All Buddhas and Celebrating Buddha’s Birthday: One-day Retreat led by Rev. Parāvṛtti Doralee Grindler Katonah (In Person)

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

Prajna Paramita, the mother of all Buddhas, invites us to participate in the continual birthing of living spiritual energy in each moment. Come, put aside all worldly affairs, sit zazen and walk together in community. We will touch the ground of Mother Earth, open our heart/minds to the spiritual energy ready to penetrate and awaken […]

$10.00 – $60.00

The Illusion of Separate Self – One-day Retreat led by Kokyo Henkel (In Person)

Valley Streams Zen Sangha 3111 Wisseman Dr., Sacramento, CA, United States

In morning and afternoon discussions, we will explore the Buddha's teaching of the discontent that arises from the unconscious belief in separate self, and the freedom that comes from not holding this belief. Kokyo Henkel was ordained as a Zen priest in 1994 by Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi, receiving the Dharma name Kokyo Yakai (Luminous […]

$10.00 – $100.00

One-day Retreat led by Rev. Parāvṛtti Doralee Grindler Katonah (In Person)

Valley Streams Zen Sangha 3111 Wisseman Dr., Sacramento, CA, United States

One-day retreat (8:30 am - 4:30 pm) which includes sitting and walking meditation, a Dharma talk and discussion period. Outside the meditation hall we will maintain noble silence. Please bring a bag lunch. Tickets can be purchased below with suggested donation $10 -$60. No one will be excluded for lack of funds. If this will […]

Get Tickets $10.00 – $60.00