
Half-day Sitting (outdoors), led by So-On Jim Hare

After these many months of sitting at home, we have an opportunity to practice together, sitting outside, socially distanced. (Air quality and weather permitting!)  This will be a "zazenkai" sitting, meaning a schedule of silent sitting and walking meditation, with no dharma talk. Everyone will be masked and at least 6 feet apart. Registration is […]

Half-day Sitting, led by So-On Jim Hare

Resting the mind in the midst of the habitual activity of thought is the ultimate form of relaxation. This will be a online sitting with a schedule of sitting and walking meditation and a short Dharma talk by Valley Streams Zen practice leader, Jim Hare. The schedule will include the option to begin sitting early, […]

Rohatsu Sesshin (online), led by So-On Jim Hare

Welcome and orientation for Rohatsu Sesshin offered via Zoom. Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. This Rohatsu will be on Zoom and will have a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting […]


Rohatsu Sesshin (morning schedule)

Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. This Rohatsu will be on Zoom and will have a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting only the morning and evening periods, Sunday, Nov. 29 […]


Rohatsu Sesshin (evening schedule)

Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. This Rohatsu will be on Zoom and will have a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting only the morning and evening periods, Sunday, Nov. 29 […]

Rohatsu Sesshin (modified evening schedule)

Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. This Rohatsu will be on Zoom and will have a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting only the morning and evening periods, Sunday, Nov. 29 […]

Rohatsu Sesshin, One-day Sitting (online)

Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. Our Rohatsu is on Zoom this year and has a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting just the morning and evening periods, Sunday through […]

Rohatsu Sesshin – (closing program)

Last day of sesshin with morning zazen, a Dharma talk, and closing ceremony. Sat. & Sun. Sesshin Schedule Chants for Rohatsu Sesshin

Sitting Where the Clouds Pile Up: Half-day Sitting

This half-day sitting will be led by tanto, So-On Jim Hare. There is no fee for this sitting, but you do need to register on  The link and a detailed schedule will be sent to those who register.  There will be an optional early morning sitting beginning at 6 a.m. for those who wish for […]

One-day Sitting with by Kokyo Henkel (Online)

Rev. Kokyo Henkel will offer a teaching on Buddha Nature with inspiration from the Book of Serenity, Case 93: Luzu's Not Meeting Luzu asked Nanquan, " 'People don't recognize the wish-fulfilling jewel which is intimately obtained from the tathagata-garbha (heart/womb of buddha)'. What is the garbha?"  Nanquan said, "It is that in me which comes and […]

Half-day Sitting, followed by Jizo Ceremony (online)

This half-day sitting (9 am - noon) will be followed by a Jizo Ceremony to celebrate the arrival of McKinsey Shrader, Joshua and Laura Shrader's soon-to-be-born second daughter. Rev. Doralee Grindler Katonah will offer the dharma talk and lead this special ceremony. Jizo, known as the 'Earth Store' or 'Earth Womb' Bodhisattva, embodies and transmits […]

One-day Sitting: Riding the (Mind) Donkey

This is a day-long meditation retreat with a Dharma talk by practice leader Rev. So On Jim Hare. "Riding the ox" or "riding a donkey" are phrases used in Zen stories to describe our responsive encounter with mind-consciousness during sitting meditation practice and in our daily lives. We will look at a couple of these stories […]