Dharma Calligraphy: Create Your Own Scroll, with Rev. Val Szymanski
Please join us for our 4th annual Dharma Art Day for an opportunity to create your own calligraphy scroll! The retreat will be led by Rev. Val Szymanski, founding teacher of Bamboo in the Wind Zen sangha, and esteemed calligrapher. No previous experience is necessary, and all supplies will be provided. Class size is limited to […]
Dharma Talk by Rev. So On Jim Hare
So On Jim Hare serves as tanto, or head of practice. He lived in the San Francisco Zen Center community from 1980 to 1984, and was lay ordained by Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1985. He served as Head Student at Green Gulch Farm during the spring 2002 practice period. He was priest ordained by Myo […]
Zen Poetry Night, led by Linda Dekker
Sangha member, Linda Dekker, will lead us in an evening of reading and writing poetry.
SDC Yard Sale – Volunteers needed!
Clean out your closets and garage - then donate your lightly used items to the Dharma Center Yard Sale. Email Linda Dekker to volunteer and to arrange for dropping off donations at the Dharma Center.
Full Moon Ceremony
This ceremony reminds us that enlightenment is enacted with Bodhisattva precepts, which are recited in a call and response format during the ceremony. We enter the ceremony following two periods of zazen interspersed with walking meditation. Whole-heartedly we celebrate the whole moon. Everyone is invited to participate.
Reading & Discussion Circle, led by Rev. So-On Jim Hare
Reading "A Field Far Beyond Form & Emptiness", by Tenshin Reb Anderson. (in Warm Smiles from Cold Mountains, SFZC, 1995)
SDC Volunteer Work Day
On the last Sunday of every month volunteers are invited to help with outdoor maintenance, indoor cleaning, and other tasks around the Sacramento Dharma Center. It is a great way to show your gratitude, with the added benefit of making new friends! Sacramento Dharma Center Work Day
Way-Seeking Mind Talk by Berry Crawford
Our Monday night programs begin with zazen (sitting meditation) followed by a devotional service and dharma talk, group discussion, practice circle or retreat night. There are no membership requirements to participate. We invite donations to support the room rental, visits by teachers, and other sangha activities. Valley Streams Zen Sangha is dedicated to the study […]
Morning Zazen
Every Thursday we offer two early morning sittings (6-6:30 & 6:40-7:10) followed by a brief service (7:10-7:20). Following service, you are invited to share a cup of tea or coffee before continuing with the rest of your day. Early morning zazen is the practice of Zen students everywhere. Before engaging in life’s busy activity, we […]