
Dharma Talk by guest teacher Susan Moon (ONLINE)

Susan Moon is a writer, editor, and lay teacher in the Soto Zen tradition. She is the author of a number of books about Buddhism, including the humor book The Life and Letters of Tofu Roshi and This Is Getting Old: Zen Thoughts on Aging with Humor and Dignity. For many years she was the […]

Dharma Talk by So-On Jim Hare (ONLINE)

So-On Jim Hare  serves as head of practice. He lived in the San Francisco Zen Center community from 1980 to 1984, and was lay ordained by Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1985. He served as Head Student at Green Gulch Farm during the spring 2002 practice period. He was priest ordained by Myo Lahey in 2016. […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey (ONLINE)

Rev. Myo Lahey, Abbot of Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco and our guiding teacher, will offer the Dharma talk this evening. Myo has previously served as head of practice (Tanto) at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He is a Dharma heir of Tenshin Reb Anderson. Raised in an observant Roman Catholic home, Myo was […]

Rohatsu Sesshin (online), led by So-On Jim Hare

Welcome and orientation for Rohatsu Sesshin offered via Zoom. Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. This Rohatsu will be on Zoom and will have a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting […]


Rohatsu Sesshin (morning schedule)

Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. This Rohatsu will be on Zoom and will have a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting only the morning and evening periods, Sunday, Nov. 29 […]

Dharma Talk by So-On Jim Hare

So-On Jim Hare  serves as head of practice. He lived in the San Francisco Zen Center community from 1980 to 1984, and was lay ordained by Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1985. He served as Head Student at Green Gulch Farm during the spring 2002 practice period. He was priest ordained by Myo Lahey in 2016. […]


Rohatsu Sesshin (evening schedule)

Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. This Rohatsu will be on Zoom and will have a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting only the morning and evening periods, Sunday, Nov. 29 […]

Rohatsu Sesshin (modified evening schedule)

Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. This Rohatsu will be on Zoom and will have a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting only the morning and evening periods, Sunday, Nov. 29 […]

Rohatsu Sesshin, One-day Sitting (online)

Rohatsu sesshin is a time for bringing light into the dark time of the year and celebrating Buddha’s awakening, which is our awakening too. Our Rohatsu is on Zoom this year and has a very different format.  It will last a full week, but we’ll be sitting just the morning and evening periods, Sunday through […]

Rohatsu Sesshin – (closing program)

Last day of sesshin with morning zazen, a Dharma talk, and closing ceremony. Sat. & Sun. Sesshin Schedule Chants for Rohatsu Sesshin

Practice Circle, led by Paravrtti Doralee Grindler Katonah (ONLINE)

The Three Treasures are the foundation of the Practice Circle: (1) the Oneness of Buddha, (2) the Diversity of Dharma, (3) the Harmony of Sangha. The circle itself is a container for being in the present, manifesting just as we are in the truth of the moment.     During the Covid-19 pandemic, we will meet […]

Introduction to Zen Meditation – ONLINE

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  For now, we are offering the instruction online, using using Zoom video conferencing software. We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath and mental focus. This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh […]