
SDC Interdependence Day Ice Cream Social

Join SDC for its Second Annual Interdependence Day party, Saturday, July 8, 2017, from 2 to 4 p.m.  A celebration of our donors, volunteers, and the greater Sangha that makes our existence possible!  Enjoy some ice cream and shaved ice, take part in our raffle, and listen to some far out music as we mark the 50th […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Kyosho Valorie Beer

Rev. Kyosho Valorie Beer is an itinerant teacher for SF Zen Center's Branching Streams sanghas. She received dharma transmission from Edward Brown in 2013. In addition to leading retreats, Valorie is a teacher for sewing Buddha's Robe, sutra copying, practicing with aging, and writing as a spiritual practice.

Way-Seeking Mind Talk by Patti Mitchell

The ‘way-seeking-mind talk’, gives a sangha member the opportunity to tell dharma friends the story of how we came to Zen practice.  It usually emphasizes two aspects - the suffering and the fortuitous circumstances that brought us here.


What We Can Trust: a One-day Zen Sitting

Zazen surfaces our "mind of clover," a pliant mind, a flexibile mind, a mind like clouds and water.  This mind that is not "our" mind, but rather one that comes to us as a gift of practice.  Informed by that mind we are inspired to be kind, to be flexible with others, to bend like […]


A Glimpse of Buddhism in China

In April 2017, Jim Hare traveled with a group of Western pilgrims to visit (and stay in) Buddhist monasteries in Zhejiang Province, south of Shanghai.  Jim will present a thematic slide show and narrative, touching on devotional practices, the Bodhisattva Guanyin, T’ien T’ung Ssu (the monastery where Eihei Dogen met his teacher), and the T’ang […]

Zazen, Tea & Treats

After meditation & service, join us for tea and conversation. Taking care of the Sangha is a treasure to appreciate along with Buddha and Dharma.


Please enjoy the holiday with family and friends!  We will start up again on Monday, September 11.

Practice Circle: Appreciative Inquiry

Led by sangha members who learned this method of sharing at the 2017 Branching Streams Network conference in Chicago.

Retreat Night

Retreat night consists of three 25-minute sitting periods with walking meditation in between.  All are welcome.