
The path of Zen: Half-day Sitting led by So’on Jim Hare (In Person)

Valley Streams Zen Sangha 3111 Wisseman Dr., Sacramento, CA, United States

The path of Zen: Can you get there from here? In many Zen texts and teachings, the path of Zen is described as what not to do, such as “don’t take the mind road” or “cease all the movement of the conscious mind.” What is the reason for this? How does it help us in […]

$10.00 – $30.00

Half-day Sitting (In Person)

Valley Streams Zen Sangha 3111 Wisseman Dr., Sacramento, CA, United States

Join the sangha for a half-day of shikantaza or just sitting with alternating periods of zazen (sitting meditation) and kinhin (walking meditation), In the “grass-roof hermitage we “just sit” followed by a social lunch at noon (please bring a bag lunch). Registration is requested, but not required. Dana is appreciated. Donation can be made below. […]


Half-day Sitting led by Rev. Parāvṛtti Doralee Grindler Katonah (In Person)

Valley Streams Zen Sangha 3111 Wisseman Dr., Sacramento, CA, United States

When two arrow points meet, this has nothing to do with the power of skill! (Jewel Mirror Samadhi) In our practice together we will consider this Truth of practice realization – that realization comes spontaneously and is not within the realm of consciousness (Genjo Koan) – it does not appear in the realm of perception […]

$10.00 – $30.00

The Illusion of Separate Self – One-day Retreat led by Kokyo Henkel (In Person)

Valley Streams Zen Sangha 3111 Wisseman Dr., Sacramento, CA, United States

In morning and afternoon discussions, we will explore the Buddha's teaching of the discontent that arises from the unconscious belief in separate self, and the freedom that comes from not holding this belief. Kokyo Henkel was ordained as a Zen priest in 1994 by Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi, receiving the Dharma name Kokyo Yakai (Luminous […]

$10.00 – $100.00