Dharma Talk given on Monday, October 2nd, 2023 by Parāvṛtti Doralee Grindler Katonah and Malia McCarthy (7.6 MB, 33 min).

Rev. Parāvṛtti Doralee Grindler Katonah
Practice Committee, Teachers
Serves as Ino, or head of the meditation hall. She studies in the Soto Zen lineage with Sojun Diane Martin, founder and guiding teacher of Udumbara Zen Center in Illinois and Rev. Val Szymanski, Head Priest of Bamboo in the Wind Zen Sangha in California. She was lay ordained in 2008 and priest ordained in 2019. She served as head student for the Spring practice period at Bamboo in the Wind Zen Sangha this May 2022. She offers Practice Interviews upon request.

Malia McCarthy
Board of Directors
Malia is a member of the Valley Streams Board of Directors and serves as secretary. She recently
retired from the practice of child and adolescent psychiatry. She has two daughters in college and lives
in Davis with her husband. She feels very fortunate to have been able to practice with Valley Streams
since 2019