
Morning Zazen & Service (in-person and online)

Please join us for early morning silent meditation each Thursday before Study Group meeting. Contact Rollin Ives at for Zoom login and program information. Schedule: 5:45-Zoom room opens, 6:00-Zazen, 6:30-Walking […]

Rohatsu Sesshin, led by So-On Jim Hare (in person and online)

Welcome and orientation to Rohatsu Sesshin, Nov. 28 - Dec. 5, 2021 This traditional week of intensified practice celebrates the enlightenment of our original teacher in India, Shakyamuni Buddha. Rohatsu sesshin is […]

Rohatsu Sesshin, morning program (online)

Morning Rohatsu schedule, Monday - Wednesday. 6:00   Zazen 6:30   Kinhin 6:40   Zazen 7:10   Service Full Rohatsu Sesshin Schedule     Register on This traditional week of intensified practice celebrates […]

Rohatsu Sesshin, morning program (online)

Morning Rohatsu schedule, Monday - Wednesday. 6:00   Zazen 6:30   Kinhin 6:40   Zazen 7:10   Service Full Rohatsu Sesshin Schedule     Register on This traditional week of intensified practice celebrates […]

Rohatsu Sesshin, evening program (online)

Evening Rohatsu schedule, Tuesday - Thursday, 5 pm - 8:45 pm. 5:00   Zazen 5:30   Service Break/Dinner 7:30   Zazen 8:00   Kinhin 8:10   Zazen 8:40   Refuges Full Rohatsu Sesshin Schedule This traditional […]

Rohatsu Sesshin, morning program (online)

Morning Rohatsu schedule, Monday - Wednesday. 6:00   Zazen 6:30   Kinhin 6:40   Zazen 7:10   Service Full Rohatsu Sesshin Schedule     Register on This traditional week of intensified practice celebrates […]

Rohatsu Sesshin, evening program (online)

Evening Rohatsu schedule, Tuesday - Thursday, 5 pm - 8:45 pm. 5:00   Zazen 5:30   Service Break/Dinner 7:30   Zazen 8:00   Kinhin 8:10   Zazen 8:40   Refuges Full Rohatsu Sesshin Schedule This traditional […]

Morning Zazen & Service (in-person and online)

Please join us for early morning silent meditation each Thursday before Study Group meeting. Contact Rollin Ives at for Zoom login and program information. Schedule: 5:45-Zoom room opens, 6:00-Zazen, 6:30-Walking […]

Study Group (in-person & online)

The Zen Study Group is now meeting at the Dharma Center AND online. The study group is facilitated by Rev. So-On Jim Hare, with readings from ancient and contemporary Mahayana […]