
Sacramento Interfaith Climate March

Join members of Sacramento's diverse faith communities in a march to support the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Paris and California's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Marchers will gather at 11 am on the West Steps of the Capitol in Sacramento (near the corner of  L St. and 10th St.), walk to the confluence […]

Great American River Clean Up

Once again our sangha will participate in the Great American River Clean-up along the banks of the Parkway, at 1400 Northgate Blvd. and Hwy. 160. We will be collecting trash in a section of the parkway that is especially impacted by homeless campers. What to bring: Work gloves, water bottle; trash grabber and small rakes […]

March for the Dream in Sacramento

Walk with us! Sacramento Dharma Center will walk as a group in the annual March for the Dream. 9a.m. – 9:30a.m. The march begins at Sacramento City College (3835 Freeport Blvd.) 11:15a.m. – 11:45a.m. The march arrives at Sacramento Convention Center (1400 J Street) 12:00 – 2p.m. The main stage program and opening ceremonies will start at noon.  Map […]

Half-Day Sangha Work Practice, led by Linda Dekker

“Work as meditation” illustrates how work is just as important a time for mindfulness practice as sitting zazen or walking meditation. In work as meditation, there isn't too much need for thinking, planning or conceptualizing. While effort is made to do what we are doing efficiently and beautifully, we needn’t hurry or worry about how […]


SDC Volunteer Work Day (suspended)

On the last Sunday of every month volunteers are invited to help with outdoor maintenance, indoor cleaning, and other tasks around the Sacramento Dharma Center. It is a great way to show your gratitude, with the added benefit of making new friends! Sacramento Dharma Center Work Day

SDC Volunteer Work Day (CANCELED)

The Dharma Center will resume this program as soon as it is safe for us to meet in person.  Until then, please be safe and practice social distancing with a compassionate heart. On the last Sunday of every month volunteers are invited to help with outdoor maintenance, indoor cleaning, and other tasks around the Sacramento […]


SDC Volunteer Work Day

On the last Sunday of every month volunteers are invited to help with outdoor maintenance, and other tasks around the Sacramento Dharma Center. It is a great way to show your gratitude, with the added benefit of making new friends - while social distancing of course since we are following local guidelines for staying safe and […]