
Introduction to Zen Meditation

For those who are new to Zen meditation, we offer this 40-minute introduction on the second Monday every month.

Introduction to Zen Meditation

For those who are new to Zen meditation, we offer this 40-minute introduction on the second Monday every month.

Introduction to Zen Meditation

For those who are new to Zen meditation, we offer this 40-minute introduction to our forms of practice on the second Monday every month.


Introduction to Zen Meditation

For those who are new to Zen meditation, we offer this 40-minute introduction to our forms of practice on the second Monday every month.


Introduction to Zen Meditation

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath, and methods for, and problems encountered when  we try to corral our attention.  This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh their practice of meditative […]


Introduction to Zen Meditation – CANCELED

We will resume this program as soon as it is safe for us to meet in person at the Sacramento Dharma Center.  Meanwhile, please be safe and practice social distancing with a compassionate heart. You may enjoy online instruction at SotoZEN-Net. On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice. […]


Introduction to Zen Meditation – ONLINE

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  For now, we are offering the instruction online, using using Zoom video conferencing software. We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath and mental focus. This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh […]

Introduction to Zen Meditation – ONLINE

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  For now, we are offering the instruction online, using using Zoom video conferencing software. We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath and mental focus. This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh […]


Introduction to Zen Meditation – ONLINE

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  For now, we are offering the instruction online, using using Zoom video conferencing software. We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath and mental focus. This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh […]

Introduction to Zen Meditation – ONLINE

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  For now, we are offering the instruction online, using using Zoom video conferencing software. We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath and mental focus. This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh […]

Introduction to Zen Meditation (in-person at the Dharma Center)

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath and mental focus. This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh their practice of meditative immersion. These classes are now being held at the Dharma […]