
Vasubandhu’s 30 Verses, by So On Jim Hare

In fourth-century India one of the great geniuses of Buddhism, Vasubandhu, sought to reconcile the diverse ideas and forms of Buddhism practiced at the time and demonstrate how they could […]

Vasubandhu’s 30 Verses, by So On Jim Hare

In fourth-century India one of the great geniuses of Buddhism, Vasubandhu, sought to reconcile the diverse ideas and forms of Buddhism practiced at the time and demonstrate how they could […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey

Rev. Myo Lahey is Abbot at Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco and our guiding teacher. He has previously served as Practice Leader at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He is […]

Sejiki Ceremony

Our Sejiki or food-offering, ceremony is an opportunity to call forth the spirits of those who have passed this way before, offering them solace and acknowledging our ongoing connection to them. […]

Koan Study, led by Doralee Grindler Katonah

Doralee will lead us in an experiential process of working with the different characters in a koan as parts of ourselves. Through sharing these experiences we may become open to […]

Vasubandhu’s Thirty Verses by So On Jim Hare

In fourth-century India one of the great geniuses of Buddhism, Vasubandhu, sought to reconcile the diverse ideas and forms of Buddhism practiced at the time and demonstrate how they could […]

Dharma Talk by Lama Yeshe Jinpa

Lama Yeshe Jinpa is the spiritual director and resident teacher of Lion’s Roar Dharma Center in Sacramento.  In 1995, Lama Jinpa received direct heart/mind transmission from Geshe Gyatso, after 25 […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey

Rev. Myo Lahey is Abbot at Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco and our guiding teacher. He has previously served as Practice Leader at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He is […]

Retreat Night

Retreat Night offers an opportunity to settle into your meditation practice with three 25-minute periods of zazen, interspersed with walking meditation (kinhin). Turning the light inward, we explore the causes […]

Potluck Supper with Susan Moon

You are invited to share a meal with the sangha prior to our evening sit and Dharma talk.