
Winter Solstice Celebration (in person and online)

Welcome the new year by celebrating the treasure of sangha with your sangha friends. This will be an evening of sharing poetry, stories, and music. Our Monday night programs begin with […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey (online)

Rev. Myo Lahey is Abbot at Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco and our guiding teacher. He has previously served as Practice Leader at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He is a Dharma heir of […]

Dharma Talk by So On Jim Hare (online)

So’On Jim Hare  serves as Tanto, or head of practice. He lived in the San Francisco Zen Center community from 1980 to 1984, and was lay ordained by Tenshin Reb […]

Dharma Talk by Shoku Kathy Early (online)

Guest teacher Shōku Kathy Early came to zen practice in 1994 through classes with Tenshin Reb Anderson at the Yoga Room in Berkeley. She then practiced for several years with Keido Les Kaye […]

Retreat Night (in-person and online)

On Retreat Night we offer an opportunity to settle into your meditation practice with two or three 25-minute periods of zazen, interspersed with walking meditation (called kinhin). Turning the light inward […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey (in-person and online)

Rev. Myo Lahey is Abbot at Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco and our guiding teacher. He has previously served as Practice Leader at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He is a Dharma heir of […]