
A Buddhist Women’s Retreat (In Person)

Green Gulch Farm 1601 Shoreline Hwy, Muir Beach, CA, United States

EMBODYING OUR WILD SPIRIT ~ A Buddhist Women’s Retreat at Green Gulch Farm. Led by: Parāvṛtti Doralee Grindler Katonah, Ino and WaDen EiDo Barbara Baccei, Sensei  Imagine connection, creativity, body practices, […]

Half-day Silent Retreat Led by Rev. So’on Jim Hare (In Person)

Sacramento Dharma Center 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

This will be a silent meditation retreat (no Dharma talk). It is offered to simply to rest in samadhi (aka zazen), allowing silence and stillness to offer their blessings. The […]

Half-day Sitting (In Person)

Valley Streams Zen Sangha 3111 Wisseman Dr., Sacramento, CA, United States

Join the sangha for a half-day of shikantaza or just sitting with alternating periods of zazen (sitting meditation) and kinhin (walking meditation), In the “grass-roof hermitage we “just sit” followed […]


The path of Zen: Half-day Sitting led by So’on Jim Hare (In Person)

Valley Streams Zen Sangha 3111 Wisseman Dr., Sacramento, CA, United States

The path of Zen: Can you get there from here? In many Zen texts and teachings, the path of Zen is described as what not to do, such as “don’t […]

$10.00 – $30.00