
Book Discussion Group (ONLINE)

Everyone is invited to join a discussion group focused on Reb Anderson’s new book, Entering the Mind of Buddha, Zen and the Six Heroic Practices of Bodhisattvas. We will meet over a period of six weeks via Zoom, beginning Tuesday April 14 from 4-5 pm. There are many sources for the book including Amazon, Kindle, Nook, […]

Writing & Sitting Together at our Dharma Gates

Led by Doralee Grindler Katonah and Linda Dekker. Coming together online for one hour, with a guided writing time as the preamble to a 20-minute zazen practice together, followed by another guided writing time and then time to share. The sharing time will be facilitated with practice circle guidelines – silent listening with no cross […]

The New Ecosattva Path, online talk by David Loy (SBMG)

For more information and the Zoom link, go to the SBMG website. David Robert Loy, PhD, is a professor, writer, and Zen teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism. He is a prolific author, whose essays and books have been translated into many languages. He is on the advisory boards of Buddhist […]

ONLINE PROGRAM: Zazen, Service, Dharma Talk & Discussion

During the current health crisis, we will meet online using Zoom video conferencing software. To receive the Meeting ID# and password for each meeting, please Sign Up for our Weekly Emails. *To join the meeting by computer, you must install Zoom software: Sign Up for Weekly Emails to receive each Meeting ID# Prior to the meeting, […]

SDC Volunteer Work Day (CANCELED)

The Dharma Center will resume this program as soon as it is safe for us to meet in person.  Until then, please be safe and practice social distancing with a compassionate heart. On the last Sunday of every month volunteers are invited to help with outdoor maintenance, indoor cleaning, and other tasks around the Sacramento […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey – ONLINE

Our guiding teacher from Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco will join us online via Zoom video conferencing from his home temple. During the current health crisis, we will meet online using Zoom video conferencing software. To receive the Meeting ID# and password for each meeting, please Sign Up for our Weekly Emails. *To join […]

Healing the World: Dharma talk by Konjin Gaelyn Godwin (online)

Konjin Gaelyn Godwin, Abbot of Houston Zen Center, Director of the International Division of Soto Zen, and teacher in the Suzuki Roshi lineage will offer the Dharma Talk tonight. During the current pandemic, we will meet online using Zoom video conferencing software. To receive the Meeting ID# and password for each meeting, please Sign Up for our Weekly […]

Dharma Talk by Rev. Myo Lahey (online)

Rev. Myo Lahey, Abbot of Hartford Street Zen Center in San Francisco and our guiding teacher, will offer the Dharma talk this evening. Myo has previously served as head of practice (Tanto) at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He is a Dharma heir of Tenshin Reb Anderson. Raised in an observant Roman Catholic home, Myo was […]

Retreat Night (ONLINE)

This is an opportunity to settle into your meditation practice at home and with the support of others. Our schedule tonight will be three 25-minute periods of zazen, interspersed with walking meditation. May you, with all beings be well. During the current health crisis, we will meet online using Zoom video conferencing software. To receive the […]

Practice Talk by Paravrtti Doralee Grindler Katonah (ONLINE)

"The Gift of Zazen is ILLIMITABLE!  Don't Waste Any Time!"  In her talk Doralee will share encouragements for quickening our practice.  Doralee serves as our Ino (head of the mediation hall) and is also president of the VSZS board of directors. She was priest ordained in 2019 by Sojun Diane Martin. Doralee's talk in PDF. During […]

Introduction to Zen Meditation – ONLINE

On the second Monday of each month, we offer a 40-minute introduction to Zen practice.  For now, we are offering the instruction online, using using Zoom video conferencing software. We focus on the art of sitting meditation, with emphasis on posture, breath and mental focus. This is for new meditators and those wishing to refresh […]